Sunday, January 6, 2008

Back tracking

Looking into the canal from the museum
me @ the continental divide

Ladies in tradtional dress
Heyy mom~
Ok so this first post is just for you...I'm backtracking a day to tell you about the Panama Canal. So I had to wake up muy temprano(very early) to get to the school for an 8am departure. Ya not so fun i guess it's a good thing i stayed in. Guess my stomach got something rite...anyways so we get to the canal and then have to take this lil tour bus thingy on a 40min ride all the way to the other side so I tried to catch some sleep that way. Get there and we get on this boat thats supposed to take us through the canal its called th Pacific Queen...we get served lunch yadayada right...but you'll never guess who i saw...I don't know if you rememeber her, but Sawyer Kimball we used to go to school together and I see her on the boat with her school. I mean what are the chances that we'd see each other all the way in Panama right. It makes the world seem that much smaller.

And you know how I have my INROADS bag with me, well this other kid on the boat was like "Oh you're in INROADS. I'm applying and from Mass." I mean how strange is that 2 ppl just like that amazing lol.

Ok so bac to the was interesting because they we talking bout how everything was done by hand and how they dammed the river to make this artificial lake that we were riding through. How the Canal is only one way @ a time from 5am-12am its Northbound traffic and 12-5p its southbound traffic and when u actually get into the canal there's only 2 feet of space on either side of these huge boats. Heres a lil video of one of the boats

So the only reason that we were allowed to be in the "cut"as they call was because we were such a small ship that we didn't pose any danger. Oh and they don't allow any travel at night because its too dangerous.. but to travel through the canal companys pay thousands of dollars and they have to have a canal pilot on board.

Shai and I got a pic on the boat I'll show you when i get home and I got grandpa a Panama Canal hat. The trip through the canal took about 4 hrs more or less to keep through...And we went through a system of lockes that gradually brought us down to level.

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